
The Future of Our NHS

22 January 2017

Health services in Somerset are not adequately funded by government - we must fight to save them.

Pepita Collins is the Green Party candidate for Frome North

15 January 2017

Chair of the Cheese and Grain would prioritise local employment, affordable housing and better care for the elderly

East Mendip Green Party Oppose Cuts to School Funding

05 January 2017

Councillors and candidates warn that cuts will impact teacher numbers and class sizes

East Mendip Green Party to Pay Energy Customers to Switch EDF Off

18 December 2016

Campaign launched to offer cash payment to switch to a green energy supplier

NHS England Responds to Green Party Lock's Hill Petition

18 December 2016

Agrees further consultation required, as Green Party candidates urge re-opening of surgery

Climate Change Crisis Engages Frome Audience

17 November 2016

Film showing of 'This Change Everything' raises vital issues

EMGP announces Frome candidates for Somerset County Council

28 October 2016

Martin Dimery is Frome Festival's Creative Director, John Clarke has a background in social work and has been campaigning to save Lock's Hill surgery

Save Lock's Hill Surgery

14 October 2016

Please sign our petition opposing Frome Medical Practice's closure of Locks Hill Surgery without adequate consultation

Badger cull extended despite being "mass cruelty supported by bad science"

03 September 2016

Four new areas in South West to begin culling badgers, as government ignores evidence that cull actually increases bovine TB

Threat to evening bus services in Frome

03 September 2016

Bus campaigners urge public to tell BaNES we need our buses!

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