
Hinkley, the energy gap and Government assault on renewables industry

03 September 2016

Green MEP criticises government policy as small scale renewables industry is decimated

Big Turnout for Lively EU Referendum Debate in Frome

19 June 2016

Around 130 people packed into the Assembly Rooms in Frome on Wednesday evening to take part in the EU referendum debate 'European Union: Leave or Remain?'

EU Referendum - Join the debate

03 June 2016

An event in Frome on 15th June will see Green MEP Molly Scott Cato debate with UKIP MEP Julia Reid on the upcoming EU referendum

What the Frack!? event explores fracking threat to Somerset and Wiltshire

19 April 2016

Inspiring and informative event in Frome draws big crowd

Somerset County Council pension fund fossil fuel investments lose £872K in value

18 April 2016

Huge loss of value since last October - isn't it time for SCC to divest?

The Fracking Threat in Somerset and Wiltshire

12 March 2016

SW Energy have started the process that may lead to fracking in our local area

EDF prolongs the Hinkley agony

05 March 2016

There were hopes last month that EDF would finally make their decision on the Hinkley nuclear plant project - but it wasn't to be.

Greens for a Better Europe

01 March 2016

The Green Party is making the Green case for remaining in the EU

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